Auto Injury Treatments

If you’ve sustained an auto accident injury, Dr. Kurt Edmark at Edmark Family Chiropractic in Lake Stevens, WA, offers personalized and natural auto injury treatments to get you back on your feet more quickly.

Chiropractic Care After An Auto Accident

Sadly, no matter how safely you might drive, you are still at risk every time you get on the road. Other drivers might not be so careful. And sometimes, uncontrollable circumstances can happen, like wildlife running into the road.

A combination of inattentiveness, recklessness, and such uncontrollable incidents lead to millions of car accidents every year. And when they do occur, they can lead to millions of people suffering. Below, Dr. Edmark and the team at Edmark Family Chiropractic in Lake Stevens, WA, share some common auto accident injuries and how chiropractic auto injury treatments can help.

Common Auto Injuries

When two or more vehicles collide with one another, the occupants of those vehicles sustain force. This force causes their bodies to move in ways that can cause damage.

For example, the head is often forced back and forth, tearing the soft tissues in the neck. This causes tension, pain, trouble concentrating, and other symptoms. It’s known as whiplash and is one of the most common auto injuries. Other common ones include:

  • Herniated discs
  • Sprains and strains
  • Shoulder injuries
  • Misalignment
  • Back injuries
  • Nerve compression

Chiropractic Auto Injury Treatments

Visiting a chiropractor after an auto accident can help you get back to your health more quickly. Dr. Edmark will assess your musculoskeletal system to detect any issues that might be causing your pain and symptoms. This assessment helps him to develop a personalized care plan that can include any or a combination of the following treatment methods.

  • Adjustments and manipulation: It doesn’t take a great deal of force to cause a misalignment in the spine, leading to back and neck pain, tension, headaches, and other issues. Restoring alignment through adjustments and manipulation is critical. Our office will use NIS, or Neuro Integration System as well the Arthostim.
  • Spinal decompression: Herniated discs lead to nerve compression, pain, tingling, weakness, and more. Spinal decompression gently stretches the spine to pull the disc back into its proper place.
  • Soft tissue techniques: Whether you’re suffering from whiplash or tension in the back, chiropractors utilize various soft tissue techniques to reduce inflammation and pain while restoring range of motion.
  • Therapeutic exercises: Stretching and strengthening damaged areas not only helps you heal more quickly but can also prevent that damage from reoccurring.

These are just a few examples of chiropractic treatment for auto injuries, but your treatment will be personalized to your needs.

Don’t live in pain from an auto accident. Dr. Edmark and the team at Edmark Family Chiropractic in Lake Stevens, WA, can provide the auto injury treatments you need to heal. Call (425) 397-4900 to schedule your appointment today.

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