
Welcome To Our Practice

Providing Gentle Chiropractic Care - Lake Stevens, WA

We all want to live life to the fullest – to squeeze every drop out of every day. Caring for our families, paying the bills, enjoying hobbies, and relaxing – we want to do these things free from pain, full of energy, and without undue stress. For many, though, that’s not possible due to injuries or ongoing conditions. However, there is hope when you have a chiropractic partner on your side. Dr. Kurt Edmark opened the doors of Edmark Family Chiropractic in Lake Stevens, WA, to be that partner and help you achieve optimal health.

The body is an amazing vessel, but it doesn’t function properly or heal as it should when something interferes with signals to the brain, proper blood flow, or movement. And it’s with this understanding that Dr. Edmark treats his patients – with the goal of restoring those signals and removing anything that restricts natural processes.

Many patients who visit Edmark Family Chiropractic in Lake Stevens, WA, do so because of pain and injuries from auto accidents. However, Dr. Edmark also provides care for issues such as back pain, sports injuries, muscle weakness, digestive issues, and other pain and chronic conditions by improving the relationship between the joints, muscles, nerves, and organs.

To ensure that every patient receives the individualized care and optimal results they deserve, Dr. Edmark utilizes a variety of techniques. These include but are not limited to light adjustments with the Neuro Integrations System (NIS) and Arthostim, massage therapy, acupuncture, therapeutic exercises and stretches, nutritional guidance, and more. By combining such techniques, pain, poor nerve function, and other issues can be fully addressed at the root of the problem, resulting in lasting relief.

If you’re ready to live the healthy, pain-free life you’ve been dreaming of, Dr. Kurt Edmark is here to help you bring that dream to life. Schedule a chiropractic appointment at Edmark Family Chiropractic in Lake Stevens, WA, to get started.

Healing Happens When Your Spine is In Line

Did you know that when you touch and pick up an apple, every cell in your body responds to that stimuli in some fashion?  Your stomach will start to prepare to digest it and because of the specific muscles associated with the stomach, they begin to respond in a normal function.

This communication all done because of the nervous system that extends down from the brain, housing electrical impulses that travel up and down the spinal cord delivering and receiving information.  This whole miraculous operation occurs within the spine. 

The reason it's so critical to maintain a properly aligned spine is that it allows for this system to operate at an optimal level.  A misaligned vertabrae can seriously compromise this function.

A Better Care Experience

How Our Team Can Help

Our team of experts are dedicated to providing each of our patients with high-quality care so that they receive the best service possible in Lake Stevens.

Quality Services

Our staff is trained and knowledgeable about the latest procedures, tools, and techniques to properly care for our patients.

Gentle Chiropractic Care

There is a principle that applies to our body and health: the body is made to heal itself.  Just like when we get a cut, it first bleeds, then stops and soon begins to form a scab over it.  With in a few days the scab flakes off and we have an area of new skin.  This principle is universal for whatever is going on in the body. 

When the body is damaged,  its programmed to repair and restore to original design.  When this doesn't occur, it means there is interference or a breakdown in the program.  With some very gentle chiropractic care much of the interference can be removed and allow the process of healing to run properly once again. 

Call Today and Find Out How Gentle Chiropractic Care Can Lead You Back to a Healthy Active Lifestyle.


Patient Testimonials

3D Spine Simulator

All of the functions related to the amazing human body are controlled and coordinated by the extensive neural network. Interference or stresses in any part of the nerve system may result in health problems in a variety of areas throughout our bodies. Take a moment and explore which areas of the body are influenced by the different areas of your spine. You will be amazed at how the spine and nerve system are interrelated and connected to every aspect of our expression of health and wellness.

chiropractic spine


Learn how we can help with your pain

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Hours of Operation


9:00 am - 6:00 pm


9:00 am - 1:00 pm


9:00 am - 6:00 pm




9:00 am - 6:00 pm





9:00 am - 6:00 pm
9:00 am - 1:00 pm
9:00 am - 6:00 pm
9:00 am - 6:00 pm